“Piecing Together the Malaysian Puzzle”
30th - 31st July 2011 · Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
5th Annual Malaysian Student Leaders Summit 2011
The Malaysian Student Leaders Summit (MSLS) is the only flagship event UKEC hosts in Malaysia. Now in its fifth year, the summit serves as an avenue for intellectual and productive dialogue between Malaysian student leaders and prominent national figures from myriad fields. Through MSLS, it is hoped that participants will develop a better understanding of the issues facing our nation, and hence be better prepared to undertake the unique challenges that lie ahead in charting the way forward for Malaysia.
The summit, held for 2 full days, sees the participation of about 800 Malaysian student leaders from various universities across the globe. The summit, entirely free of charge for participants, aims to foster development of our future leaders and provide them with an open, non-partisan avenue for intellectual discourse.
Handing over the One Young World Sponsorship Proposal to the Deputy Minister of Education!
Featuring speakers like YB Tan Sri Dato' Nor Mohamed Yakcob, Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah, Dr. Hartini Zainudin, Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, YB Khairy Jamaluddin, YB Nurul Izzah and Prime Minister Dato' Sri Najib Razak who gave the closing address.
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